Monday, July 13, 2015

Coronado Vacation Day 2

I was hoping to have some great things to share today, but unfortunately our second day of vacation was worse than the first day.  Dylan was up all night (running around the hotel room at 4:15AM) and screamed and cried when I put him in his crib.  Noah is teething very badly so he is constantly drooling and crying.  At breakfast, the twins were very cranky and upset.  Mason was our perfect little guy and did not fuss at all.  Considering all that has been going on, he has been such a great kid! We met some great people from Phoenix who had 3 older teenagers.  They explained that this time flies by so quickly and one day we will miss this chaos.  At this time, I am not so sure of that!

After breakfast, I took the twins for a nap and at this point, Dylan had a fever.  Marc took Mason swimming at the hotel pool to have a little fun.  Dylan would only nap on me, and that did not even last long.  Against our better judgment, we went and met friends of mine from work at the Del Coronado.  Poor Dylan needed to be held and cuddled the entire time.  He was not happy.  After a short walk around the Del, we went back to our hotel to relax.  

Dylan and Noah seemed to have a change in attitude and started feeling better later in the afternoon. All Mason wanted to do was make sand castles at the beach.  The twins seemed better, so we packed everyone up and headed to the beach.  This is the first time the twins were on the beach.  Mason was miserable his first time at the beach when he was a baby, and the twins followed this trend.  They screamed and cried the second we put them in the sand.  As long as we carried the boys, then they were fine.  They loved watching the seagulls and this little crab that was crawling on the sand.  Our blissful moment ended abruptly when we started heading back to the hotel.  The twins screamed the entire walk back to our hotel room.  They made quite the scene and I am sure we were being judged by many.  

Back at the hotel room, the craziness continued.  Dylan and Noah screamed and cried nonstop.  The final straw that made me break down was when Noah peed on the floor two seconds after removing his diaper to get him in the bath.  Ugh!  Maybe we should have stayed home.  

I am forever the optimist and always trying to find the positive, so I am praying for a better day tomorrow, but Dylan just woke up crying:( At least we haven't had time to stress about our house.  

This toy entertained the boys so Marc and I could eat.

One of the very few smiles we got from Dylan today.

 Check out the drool on Noah's shirt!  Poor kid is having a rough time with teething.

 This is how we roll to the beach.  
 The babies were all smiles on the way there.  That all changed once we got to the sand.

 Noah let me put him down for a second, but then immediately wanted "uppa".  And yes, that is drool on his shirt.

Mason was very happy and content playing in the sand.

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