Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day 2015 (a little late)

Things have been quite busy around here lately, but I am finally catching up on some posts.  Mother's Day was absolutely perfect!  We took the kids and Aunt Therese to the Phoenix Zoo, went swimming at Momma and Poppa's house, and I was spoiled by all of my boys all day long.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by amazing women that have really helped me grow as a mom.  Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms out there!

Marc had the kids make my special card with their hand prints.  Mason made me the flower at school.  The petals are his finger prints and he chose blue because he knows that is my favorite color!  Love my boys:)

Mason loves the giraffes!

Dylan loved the petting zoo.  He kept calling all the goats AB, after my mom's dog.

Noah wasn't a fan of the petting zoo.

All the boys loved the cow.  I had to stop all three of them from climbing over the fence.

This is one of the many attempts at trying to get a picture of all three of them.  

This little guy loved his freedom to run around everywhere!

Noah refuses to miss his nap time.  Thank goodness he can fall asleep anywhere!

Mason loves riding the camel.

Mason also loves the tortoises.

Me and my favorites!

Every time we visit the zoo, feeding the giraffes is a must on our list of things to do.

Even Dylan got to do it this time as well! In fact, Mason was a little scared at first because the giraffes were extra close.  Dylan grabbed the lettuce and got right up in there.  He is my fearless child!

Noah did not want to swim, but enjoyed walking around in his bathing suit.

We couldn't get Mason and Dylan out of the pool.  They had so much fun!

Last summer, Dylan hated the pool and Noah loved it.  It is so funny how much they have each changed.

Everything always revolves around food with our family!

Mason loves Austin!

This was the best day!

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