Monday, May 25, 2015

Fun Filled Weekend

Jackson came up to Phoenix this weekend and we had all had a blast!  We love spending time with this lovable kid.

These two love each other so much!

Boys will be boys!

Noah looks so grown up with his haircut!

Breakfast at Deer Valley Airport after a slumber party at Auntie's house.

These two were so well behaved the entire time!

Our crazy crew!

I love my sweet Sebastian!

Dylan and Monica watching the planes take off.
Can you tell that they are over taking pictures?

Always going in opposite directions these two!

So in love!

Nicole and Scott trying too wrangle 5 toddlers for a picture.  LOL! 
Dylan is such a little snuggler.

Mason giving me a flower!  Such a loving little guy.

Forget the planes, we want to climb rocks and jump off of them.  Oh boys!

Noah has an obsession with rocks.  He loves to hold them, throw them, and sometimes eat them.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Noah's 1st Haircut

Noah's beautiful curls have turned into a clown wig nightmare. It was time to get that kid a haircut. I was dreading it for two reasons. First, a haircut meant that my baby was no longer going to look like a baby. This makes him officially a toddler. Second, with the track record of the other two boys, I didn't want to deal with a screaming, crying child. Well, Noah did not disappoint. He yelled, screamed, and pushed the hair dresser and came out looking like a big boy. He is still adorable, but growing up way too fast for me!

There were moments when he was distracted by Mickey and goldfish.

My gorgeous little boy!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

An Afternoon at the Park

It is the little things that make my boys so happy, and sometimes I take these things for granted.  Spending an hour at this tiny park by our house brought so much joy to the three little men in my life. We will definitely be going more often!

They have my heart!

Pure joy coming out of this one!

Noah refused to go down the slide, but loved hanging around at the top.

Noah's smile is priceless!


Dylan went down the slide hundred times!

Noah is definitely a mama's boy and I am fine with it!

The twins were happiest on the swings.

So in love with these two!