Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dylan's First Haircut

Dylan's hair reminds me of Donald Trump's hair.  It is thin, wavy, and unruly.  As much as I protested, it was definitely time for Dylan to get his first haircut.  His wild hair fits his personality, but his bangs were covering his eyes and it looked like a rat's nest in the back.  I was worried he was going to act like Mason did when he got his hair cut for the first time.  Mason screamed and cried the entire time.  In fact, Mason freaked out about haircuts until recently.  Dylan did cry at first and refused the cape, but once we put on Mickey Mouse, he was the perfect customer!

Before the cut.  (This is tame compared to how it looks when he first wakes up)

This is how it started with Dylan.  I thought we were going to have a repeat of Mason getting his first cut.
Mason at 19 months old getting his first haircut.

Once he realized Mickey was on, he wanted a snack and was all smiles

Mason was getting his hair cut at the same time.  This time, no tears!

 Noah was hanging in the stroller eating snacks and watching Mickey.

Mason is so grown up and gorgeous!

Here is the final product!  I love that face!

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