Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Family Visit

My uncle, aunt, and cousins came down from New York for a long weekend visit.  We had a blast!  My cousins (who are both in their twenties) joked that hanging out with me and the kids is a perfect advertisement for birth control or abstinence.  Lol!  It is true though.  (We should have parents pay us to bring their teenagers to our house for a day if they are trying to teach them what could happen if you have unprotected sex.)  But I love my chaotic, crazy life with three boys under the age of three!  We ate lots of delicious food, hiked the mountains in my backyard, and spent endless hours laughing and taking lots of pictures.  We hope they come out and visit us again soon!

Jeff looks like a natural with the babies!

Enjoying the AZ winter outside!

Everything revolves around what our next meal is going to be.

Andrew and I going picture for picture!

My beautiful Aunt Monica and Momma!  

Dylan is such a ham!  He loves taking pictures.

This picture sums up my boys!

Susan and Mason in deep conversation before bed.

My favorite picture of Poppa and Noah Bear!  All the boys are obsessed with this man, and I don't blame them!

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