Tuesday, December 9, 2014

'Tis the Season

I am super excited for the holidays this year. Last year was a blur with the drama of the NICU and figuring out how to raise 2 newborns. I am ready this year! Bring on the lights, decorations, baking, pictures with Santa, presents, and all things Christmas! I love this time of year! Be prepared for lots of Christmas posts in the coming weeks.

Mason's Christmas calendar. He gets one piece of chocolate each day until Christmas.

Picking out our tree

Mason loves to clean! It was very helpful since there were lots of pine needles.

Helping Daddy with the lights

Putting up the first ornament 

Dylan loves the tree! It is going to be fun keeping the twins away from it!

Noah observed from the pack n play

Penny with her first ornament 

Mason did a fantastic job

Good thing there are no more babies. We don't have room on the mantle for more stockings.

Marc thinks we have enough lights, but I want our house to look like Clark Griswold's house!

An evening walk to check out the lights around the neighborhood. The hotel from the Polar Express bought us a new stroller! We were very surprised they did this. The boys dig their new side by side ride! This is going to be a wonderful Christmas!

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