Monday, November 24, 2014

Dylan and Noah's Ark

We celebrated the twin's first birthday this weekend.  I am so blessed for my amazing family and friends that have helped us through this first year with two wonderful, lovable munchkins.

My creative, artistic husband made the ark.

The petting zoo was the highlight of the party.

Mason posed like this on his own!  I didn't even have to force him to smile.  He really liked the pig.

The trampoline was another highlight of the party.  (Thanks Brooklyn)

The goats were dressed up in hats and tutus.

Happy birthday my loves!

Noah was not a big fan of the goats.

Dylan did not mind them.

The kids loved the roller coaster too.  (Thanks again Brooklyn)

This is the first time the boys tried cake.  Dylan loved it and Noah did not like getting messy.

Dylan was double fisting it at one point.

Auntie forced Noah's hand in the cake, otherwise I don't think he would have touched it.  LOL!

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