Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Coronado Vacation Day 2

We started off the day with an amazing breakfast at a French crepe place. Mason refused to share his delicious crepe with us because he wanted to eat all of it! Then we spent the rest of the morning at the beach. I was too cold to get into the water, but that did not stop Mason. He ran in and out of the water a thousand times. He barely played in the sand because he loved the water so much. He also enjoyed searching for seashells. We have a nice collection to take home. After a delicious lunch and some margaritas (Marc and I were coping after Mason had a meltdown from leaving the beach), we went back to the hotel for a 3 1/2 hour nap. We were all exhausted! 

We decided to go to Sea World in the evening. We like going at night because there are less people and no lines. We went later than we planned so we only had a little over an hour to check out the park. I was surprised by how much we saw! We got to see penguins, whales, a polar bear, sharks, and sea turtles. They had a great firework show too! We had another fun day of vacation.

Ready for breakfast.
Mommy's Beach Bum
Daddy braved the freezing water with Mason
Searching for seashells

Swimming in the pool before lunch
Mason loved the penguins

I take this same picture every year. 

Mason was a little scared of the sharks.
That face says it all!
We ended the night at our favorite pizza place, Village Pizza. 

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