Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wildlife World Zoo Adventure

Andrea and Jackson came up to visit so we decided to take our toddlers on an adventure. We were one of the very few (crazy) visitors that decided to brave the 115 degree heat at the Wildlife World Zoo. The negative part was that it was so hot, but the positives outweighed that one negative. Mason and Jackson had a blast!!! And the place was empty so we got to enjoy the exhibits free from crowds. We mainly stayed in the aquarium buildings because they were air conditioned. It was great catching up with my sister-in-law and getting our boys together. They always have the best time. We look forward to more adventures in the future!

The gift shop was a great air conditioned rest stop.
Mason was nervous that the sea creatures would get him.
I made him take this picture, and then he got over the fear. 

It was impossible trying to get both boys to pose for pictures at the same time!
The boys loved the petting zoo.
Mason loved the chickens.

Mason could have fed these goats all day if I let him.

Thanks Mom for watching the twins while we had our day of fun!


  1. Wisconsin Boileau'sJuly 30, 2014 at 8:58 PM

    Such cute little Boileau boys. Betcha ya can't keep Grampa away.

  2. He enjoys being here and we LOVE having him visit!
