Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy 5th Anniversary

After five amazing years and three gorgeous children, I continue to fall more in love with my husband! I look forward to many more years in the future! 

Marc and I celebrated our anniversary with a stay-cation at the Talking Stick resort. We started out at the spa, followed by a nap (lol), a delicious dinner, another proposal (every year Marc surprises me with a sweet proposal on our anniversary:), gambling, and then a full baby/toddler free night's sleep. That was the best part! We haven't had uninterrupted sleep in forever! We would like to send a huge THANK YOU to my mom, Jaime, Steven, and Therese for making this happen! 

These are pictures from my mom and sister while we were out.

He is so handsome!!! 

Ha ha! It was bound to happen sooner or later!
Steven feeding Dylan!

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