Thursday, March 6, 2014

Twin Update

Noah and Dylan are my perfect little angels! Since they were in the NICU for more than 5 days, we have the privilege of having a NICU nurse visit our house to check on the progress of the boys. Nurse Jackie is amazing and I love when she comes to hang out. Both boys are healthy and developing perfectly. They are both on the regular (non-premie) charts at their actual age of 3 months and not their projected age of less than 2 months. Noah weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces, which is in the 25th percentile. Dylan weighs 13 pounds 1 ounce, which is in the 20th percentile. Noah is also now taller than Dylan. He must have had a growth spurt because he is 23 1/4 inches tall (3rd percentile). Dylan is 23 inches tall (2nd percentile). I hope they don't take after me in the height department! They are both definitely teething, smiling, talking, holding on to toys, making great eye contact, and very alert. They are also extremely well behaved. The only concern Nurse Jackie had was with Dylan and his neck. He constantly turns to his left and struggles to move his neck to the right. Nurse Jackie recommended for Dylan to be evaluated by a physical therapist.

Today, AJ, the physical therapist came over to visit with Dylan. Being a special education teacher for ten years helped prepare me for this meeting. It was a little weird being on the other end of the meeting. After some observations, she decided that she wants to complete a full evaluation. She believes he has a condition called congenital torticollis. This just means he has a twisted neck. My belly was not big enough for these guys and their bodies contorted to fit in such a small space, which affected their necks. She showed me some exercises that we can do to help him. We will need to do these regularly to ensure that he won't need a helmet or have further complications. He was such a good boy while she showed me what to do for him. Noah can benefit from these as well because he may have a slight case. 

Overall, my babies are healthy, perfect, and absolutely gorgeous! I just want to snuggle them all day and night!!!!

Love them!
Mason and Noah watching TV in our bed.
Mason bringing me flowers! Awe! Love him!
Visiting Aunt Monica in the hospital. Mason loves Sebastian!
Seeing all the boys made Monica happy!
Dylan's hands are always in his mouth!
Noah likes the taste of his hands too!
A Sebastian sandwich!!! 
Daddy and his mini-me, Noah
Dylan hanging out in the bouncy chair.
Mommy and Mason
Mommy and Noah
Momma and Dylan
Mason loves his brothers!

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