Sunday, February 2, 2014

Adventures from the Week

I am finally starting to get the hang of this whole twin thing. I left my house for 6 days in a row. That is huge considering pajamas have been the only clothes I have worn for the last 9 weeks! On Monday I took the boys for their 2 month checkup and then went out for breakfast. On Tuesday we went and visited some friends from Greenway Middle School and then hung out at my dad's house. On Wednesday all 3 boys and I went to visit Marc at work and hung out with his coworkers. Thursday was the most fun because all of my boys and I went to the zoo. I couldn't have done it without the help of Aunt Therese and Rosanna! On Friday, I packed up everything again and took everyone to Monica's house so I could get my hair done. On Saturday the twins and I went to visit my mom at her spa where I got a much needed manicure and pedicure. The boys were so well behaved and awesome all week! I know these are minor adventures, but they were huge stepping stones for me. I had become a hermit, so it was great seeing the world again! 
Feeding the giraffes at the zoo
Photo bomb!
Mason reaching for the donkey
Mason loves the petting zoo

Nicholas is a pro at feeding the giraffes
My boys at Monica's house
Mason and Sebastian
Noah slept the entire time at Grandma's work!

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