Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Haircut Catastrophe

As Mason went from infant to toddler, I always admired his beautiful hair.  The only part of me (he is Marc's twin) that he inherited was a few curls in the back of his hair.  I vowed that I would never cut those gorgeous locks!  Well, those gorgeous curls started looking more like a mullet, business in the front and party in the back, so I felt it was time to trim (emphasize on the word trim!) his hair.  I decided to ask my Aunt Monica to come over and give Mason his very first haircut.  She cuts everyone's hair in the family (she had her own salon in Manhattan prior to moving to AZ), so I figured she would be the best candidate for the job.  And Mason loves his Caca so much, so naturally I wanted her to do it.  We felt that cutting his hair in our house would make him feel comfortable and relaxed.  I envisioned taking the cutest pictures and sharing this wonderful memory for years to come.  Well, I couldn't have been more WRONG!  We started with putting him in his high chair in the bathroom with some snacks.  He loves checking himself out in the mirror and eating, so this should have been a win-win situation.  Once he saw the scissors near his head, he freaked out.  He would not let Monica get near his head.  We bribed him with treats and toys, but nothing seemed to work.  My neighbors probably thought we were torturing the poor kid they way he was screaming.  We finally decided to take him into Monica's car because he loves steering wheels.  While he sat in Monica's lap pretending to drive, she was able to cut a little bit and make it look presentable.  After that, he looked at Monica, tried to push her in the car, close the door, and said "GO!".  Obviously he did not want Caca at the house anymore:(  Monica felt terrible, but once I took the scissors from her, he loved her again:)  Needless to say he is NEVER getting another haircut again!

Some before the cut pictures.

Look at those curls!

She hadn't even started yet, and he was freaking out!

Mason was definitely not happy:(

Mason was a lot happier when we were all done:)

Check out the new do!  (Could he look any more miserable:(

He was quite the grumpy toddler for a bit that evening.

Everything changed when he saw Steven though:)  He was full of smiles the rest of the night!


  1. Why didn't you wait until he took his nap and then cut the curls.

    1. I will definitely keep that in mind for next time! :)

  2. Maybe you can try cool cuts for kids. Nicholas did freak out a little the first time and then really didn't mind them. They sit in a car, firetruck or airplane and get to pick out a movie and watch while they get it done.

    1. I agree! I think that is the way we will have to do it next time.
