Monday, April 29, 2013

A Perfect Saturday Morning

On Saturday, our little family all woke up at 6:45am (thanks a lot Mason:), so we decided to make the best of it and spend the beautiful morning outside.  The three of us went to breakfast, and then decided to walk along along the Green Belt again and feed the ducks.  The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed the quality family time.  I love days like this!!!!

One for the ducks and then one piece for Mason.  Sometimes he had a hard time parting with the bread and decided to feed himself instead:)

These ducks were quite aggressive.  They came right up to us and tried to snatch the bread from our hands!  Maybe that is why the signs say, "Please Don't Feed the Ducks".  Oops!  It makes my little guy so happy:)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Swimming in April

One of the perks of living in Arizona is being able to enjoy the pool in April, while others around the country are still wearing winter coats.  Yes, we pay for it with the heat in the summer, but as long as we are swimming in the pool, it is all good:)  This weekend we all went swimming at Momma and Poppa's.  We had a blast!  My little guy loves to swim, splash, and kick his little legs.

Jackson and Andrea joined in on the fun:)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Penny!

Happy Birthday Pretty Girl!

My sweet little Princess Penelope is 3 years old today.  She is still just as rambunctious as she was as a puppy.  Penny continues to have so much energy and always wants to play.  I love it when Penny and Mason play tag around the house.  He chases her and then she chases him.  It is too cute to watch Mason squeal with delight as he plays with his furry sister.  Penny is so good with Mason too, even when he pulls on her tail and uses her as a pillow.  She gets her revenge by stealing food out of his hands:)  I love my baby girl soooooo much!  Thanks for being the best dog ever!!!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Haircut Catastrophe

As Mason went from infant to toddler, I always admired his beautiful hair.  The only part of me (he is Marc's twin) that he inherited was a few curls in the back of his hair.  I vowed that I would never cut those gorgeous locks!  Well, those gorgeous curls started looking more like a mullet, business in the front and party in the back, so I felt it was time to trim (emphasize on the word trim!) his hair.  I decided to ask my Aunt Monica to come over and give Mason his very first haircut.  She cuts everyone's hair in the family (she had her own salon in Manhattan prior to moving to AZ), so I figured she would be the best candidate for the job.  And Mason loves his Caca so much, so naturally I wanted her to do it.  We felt that cutting his hair in our house would make him feel comfortable and relaxed.  I envisioned taking the cutest pictures and sharing this wonderful memory for years to come.  Well, I couldn't have been more WRONG!  We started with putting him in his high chair in the bathroom with some snacks.  He loves checking himself out in the mirror and eating, so this should have been a win-win situation.  Once he saw the scissors near his head, he freaked out.  He would not let Monica get near his head.  We bribed him with treats and toys, but nothing seemed to work.  My neighbors probably thought we were torturing the poor kid they way he was screaming.  We finally decided to take him into Monica's car because he loves steering wheels.  While he sat in Monica's lap pretending to drive, she was able to cut a little bit and make it look presentable.  After that, he looked at Monica, tried to push her in the car, close the door, and said "GO!".  Obviously he did not want Caca at the house anymore:(  Monica felt terrible, but once I took the scissors from her, he loved her again:)  Needless to say he is NEVER getting another haircut again!

Some before the cut pictures.

Look at those curls!

She hadn't even started yet, and he was freaking out!

Mason was definitely not happy:(

Mason was a lot happier when we were all done:)

Check out the new do!  (Could he look any more miserable:(

He was quite the grumpy toddler for a bit that evening.

Everything changed when he saw Steven though:)  He was full of smiles the rest of the night!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fabulous Family-Filled Weekend

This weekend was filled with family and Mason really enjoyed all of the quality time.  On Saturday, we met up with Grandma Boileau, Aunt Genny, and cousin Halley at the Scottsdale Train Park.  Mason was running around the entire playground area, going down the slides and playing on all the fun gadgets, but he enjoyed plopping down in the sand and making a mess the best.  Afterwards, we all enjoyed a sunset train ride around the park.  Mason was super relaxed sitting in Daddy's lap during the adventure.  Then we all went to dinner together.  Mason was extremely well-behaved, considering he missed out on a nap that day.  On Sunday, my mom, Mike, Mason, and I drove down to Tucson to spend the day with Auntie Andrea and cousin Jackson.  It is the sweetest thing watching these two boys interacting.  (They are going to get in some trouble together when they are older for sure!)  Right before we were leaving, Jackson and Mason were laying in Andrea's bed and ready to go "night-night".  They definitely wore each other out!  The second we got in the car, Mason instantly passed out:)

Going down the slide with cousin Halley

Aunt Genny and cousin Halley

At first, Mason was unsure of the ride. (I was worried that he would not want to sit still for the ride)

But I was wrong:)  Mason loved looking around and was very content sitting with his daddy!

Let me in!

I think it is almost time to trim those gorgeous locks my love:(

The Train Park Crew

Jackson is getting so big!  I can't believe this guy was born at 3 pounds 12 ounces!

They both loved playing in Jackson's really cool cardboard house with Christmas lights:)


I am obsessed with this pouty face!!!!

So sleepy after tons of fun!

Friday, April 12, 2013

An Evening with Mason

My sweet little Mason and I spent Friday evening together.  After a rough week, Mason had another stomach bug:( it was a relief to see my son in such high spirits again.  He loves playing Ring-Around-the-Rosie and even tries singing it, the key word is "tries".  After playing it a thousand times, I had to sit out a for a bit because I was getting dizzy.  But that didn't stop this determined child who decided to continue playing all by himself.  He kept on spinning and never really got dizzy.  I love hanging out with Mason and his sweet disposition always brings a smile to my face.

 Please excuse my voice on the video:)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mommy's Little Chef

Mason loves to hang out with me in the kitchen while I cook.  He climbs into the cabinets and pulls out every pot, pan, lid and anything else he can grab.  Not only do we have to clean the dishes that we use to cook and eat off of, but also the ones that Mason sticks his feet in.  LOL!