Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Now with the weather finally getting cooler, it is definitely beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.  Mason had a blast running around the tree lot and climbing on everything the evening we picked out our tree.  Last year at this time, Mason was only 3 months and did not understand what was going on during the holidays.  But this year, Mason is loving the twinkling lights when we go for our evening walks, obsessed with our Christmas tree and wants to yank off every ornament, not a big fan of Santa unless Mommy and Daddy are with him, and he is enjoying Christmas cookies.  I love this time of year, and I love it even more now that my little man is kind of into it as well:)

Santa Mason and Elf Penny

Mason had so much fun running around at the Boulder's Christmas party.  He especially loves his Momma and Poppa!

Mason was not a big fan of this Santa:(
Merry Christmas Jackson!

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