Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy 9 Month Birthday Mason!

Mason is 9 months today!  At his 9 month checkup, the doctor said Mason looks great and is progressing perfectly:)  He is in the 80th percentile for height, weight, and head size!  He weighs 22 pounds 9 ounces, is 29 1/4 inches tall, and his head size is 18 1/4 inches.  Mason is going to be a linebacker for sure!  When the nurse gave him his shot, Mason didn't even cry, flinch, or anything!!!!  I was freaking out and he was totally fine!  He is one tough baby:)  Mason is crawling backwards like a champ, but he still doesn't understand the concept of moving forward.  He can now also go from lying on his belly to sitting straight up all on his own.  Mason loves to mimmick other people by shaking his head back and forth and waving his hands.  He also loves EVERYONE!  He will go to anybody and be the happy baby boy that we love sooooo much!  I look forward to many more exciting milestones:)

My favorite little boy!!!!

All dressed and ready for Momma's house!  Check out the spiky hair:)

Playing with Grandma and Austin is so much fun!

Mason is loving some Auntie time!

Mason waving "bye-bye"

Baby Push-Ups!

He really wants to move forward, but can't:(

Love You Baby!

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