Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy 7 Month Birthday!!!!!

I can't believe my Mason is 7 months  old!!!  It feels like I was just 7 months pregnant!  He is officially rolling over from his back to his belly!  It was a very exciting milestone for Marc and I.  I was beginning to think that he was never going to roll over.  Mason is also sleeping better throughout the night.  When I don't have to wake him up in the mornings, he usually sleeps until 7:45.  He then eats breakfast, and goes back down for a nap about 45 minutes later. In the afternoon, he takes another 3 hour nap and then another nap in the evening before dinner.  My little man likes his sleep!  He is eating sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, string beans (his fav!), winter squash, and now bananas!  He is a good eater!  Marc and I love spending all of our time with our little man.  He is such a cool kid:)   

Mason can't stop staring and smiling at Penny!

Mason loves sitting in his room!

Bananas and oatmeal are DELICIOUS!

I am 7 months today!!!!

Thanks for the cool bib Auntie Brooklyn!  You make me look stylin!

No more rolling over Mom!  I am tired:)

Thanks Daddy for getting me my cool dinosaur walker!

This tastes GOOD!

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