Monday, April 30, 2012

Mason and Nicholas Out on the Town

This is what happens when Daddy dresses Mason:)


Nicholas out for drinks in Old Town (It is just juice:)

My beautiful friend Rosanna is expecting a precious little girl in October!  Mason's future wife!!!

Nicholas looks stylin in that hat!

Nicholas is always dressed so handsome!

These guys are going to get all the ladies at the clubs!  LOL!

Best Buds

Sweetest Smile!

Such Gorgeous Boys!

Dancing in the Street!

Typical boys already play fighting:)

Then holding hands after:)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mason Playing in his Room

I don't know which toy to choose:)

This one tastes good!

Do you want to eat this one too Penny?

My Drooling Monkey!  The top right tooth is in and the other one is starting to poke through.

Baths are the best!

I love playing with my toys and then taking a bath.  This is the life!!!

So relaxed and ready for bed:)

You are giving me a bottle first, right??!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mason the Fish

Mason and Jackson experienced swimming in the pool for the first time together.  Both boys loved the pool!!!  They were kicking and splashing the entire time.  Mason loves his bath time, so it was no surprise that he would love the pool as well.  These little guys are going to be swimming like fish before we know it:)

Auntie Jaime and I swimming with the boys at Momma and Poppa's pool! (It was heated:)

Jackson squealed with delight the entire time!

Mason just wanted to splash the water and not take pictures:)

This expression explains it all!  It was the best day:)

The boys doing their sexy pose:)

Mason always wants to snuggle with Steven!

Gorgeous Boys!!! and Auntie Jaime:)

My sweet Austin takes such good care of Mason!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mason's Professional Pictures

The photographer was amazing!  Jayde Pigati Photography takes awesome pictures and she even knits the most adorable props with her Chicka Boom Baby line.  I found out after that she attended Greenway Middle School in the year 2000, just 3 years before I started working there.  I am beyond ecstatic with the way the pictures came out:)

Look at those gorgeous blue eyes!

I adore the hat and tie by Chicka Boom Baby!


Mr. Smooth in his aviator glasses:)

My little ham loves the camera!

Our happy little family!

Mason had a blast on the carousel!

My sweet love bug!

Check out his donkey booty!  LOL!

Such a happy little guy!