Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mason's 6 Month Appointment

Mason went to the doctor for his 6 month check-up as well for the nasty cold that he has had.  The doctor was not concerned with the cold and suggested tips that we have already been using to make him feel better.  Even though he has been sick, he is still always very happy!  Mason weighs a whopping 20 pounds 1 ounce and is 26 1/2 inches tall.  He is in the 83rd percentile for weight and the 41st percentile for height.  The doctor was very pleased with his growth as it has remained at a steady pace since he was born.  Dr. Curly also told me not to be concerned that Mason is not rolling over from front to back yet.  He said that because he is a bigger baby, he probably won't be rolling over, crawling, or walking as early as smaller babies do.  My kid has a lot of weight to carry around:)  I have more muscles now than ever just from holding him.  Who needs the gym when I lift 20 pounds on a regular basis?!  LOL:)  Mason was smiling and happy the entire time at the doctor's office.  Probably because I opted to wait to get his 6 months shots until he feels better:)  Mason has been eating sweet potatoes for a week now.  He really enjoys it when I mix it with his oatmeal, thanks to Auntie Jaime.  Next week we will introduce carrots.

Yummy sweet potatoes all over my face:)

Sitting in my high chair waiting patiently for more food.

My precious angel!

This is the beautiful smile that we see every time we walk into the room.  He still makes my heart melt:)

Cousin Austin is coaching cousin Steven's basketball team.

This game is a nail biter:)

You better be rooting for Steven or you will have me to deal with!

That was a fun game!  Way to go Steven:) Congratulations on winning the final game!

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