Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 4 Month Birthday!

Look at how swollen my cheeks are!  I hate teething:(

I love grabbing for my toys:)

Passed out after a night of partying with my buddy Nicholas!

Hi Mommy!

Jackson and I playing with our toys.

Beautiful Blue-eyed Babies!

Jackson is so over the bouncy chair.  Mason is happy with something to chew on:)

Nicholas and I playing in my room.

My little munchkin is 4 months old today!  He is growing up so fast.  Mason now has both of his bottom teeth and I am pretty sure that the top 2 are well on their way.  My little man that was sleeping 8-10 hours a night for 8 weeks, no longer does that anymore.  He wakes up 3 to 5 times per night crying out in pain:(  We have every kind of teething medication and toys to help him through this.  He also stopped soothing himself with his thumb and now takes the pacifier.  I think he has bitten down on his fingers too many times and it hurts.  Those teeth are sharp!   Marc and I are back to the way that we did things in the early days, when Mason sleeps, we sleep!  It is a lot harder because we are both working now.  I hope this phase ends soon.  I hate to see my little Mace suffer.  It breaks my heart when there is not much that I could do to help him:(  Mason continues to hate tummy time, but he is almost ready to roll over.  He moves around in his sleep and we have even found him facing a different direction than where we left him.  He constantly goes to his left side, but has not officially rolled over on his own yet.  I think this will happen soon.  Mason has also been grabbing for objects.  If we put a toy in front of him now, he reaches out and actually grabs the object as oppose to the air next to it.  LOL!  Mason is also babbling a lot more lately. I feel like he is really trying to have a conversation with me.  I love my little man more than anything!!!  He goes to the doctor on Monday for more shots and his 4 month check up.  Thank goodness Auntie Jaime is coming with me because I cry when he gets shots:(

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