Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Pictures from this Weekend

I love bath time!!!!  Check out those chubby legs!!! 

So relaxed in the bath:)

That was so much fun!

I am almost ready for bed:)

Hanging out at the Phoenix Art Museum

My new favorite activity!  I love playing on the swings!!  Mommy, Daddy, Penny, and I go for a walk every day and we always stop at the park for some swinging fun!  Grandma and Momma take me too!
Mason really enjoyed the music at the cultural festival at the Phoenix Art Museum.  The weather was gorgeous and Mason loved being outside:)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mason at Conferences

Mason came with me to the second night of conferences at school.  He was such a good boy!  Of course he enjoyed playing with his feet most of the night!  LOL!  I was so happy to have him with me:)

Mason made sure to put on his tie before we left the house:)  LOL!

I can't wait to get to school!

I think I am too young for 7th grade Mom!

I think I am really going to like school:)

Monday, January 23, 2012

GOOOOOOOO Giants!!!!!

This was a very stressful game!

We are going to the Super Bowl baby!!!!

I am a little tired from all of the screaming and cheering:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Playing Around

Thanks Nicholas for letting me borrow your awesome bouncy chair!

Check me out!

Always chewing on my fingers!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Mason has become obsessed with his feet!  He loves to play with them!

His belly gets in the way, but sometimes he succeeds with getting his feet in his mouth!

Eating rice cereal and loving it this time!

Mmmm!  This stuff is good:)

So happy!

Check out my bottom teeth!

Watching the Giants game with Mommy and Daddy!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mason Eating Rice Cereal

"Penny, you already ate!  This is my turn!"

That is GOOD!


Trying to get every last bit!

Mason had his first experience with rice cereal.  At first he really liked it and took to swallowing it really easy.  Then, he started to cry because apparently we were not feeding him fast enough.  Mason loves to eat and fast!  He can finish a 5 ounce bottle in under 5 minutes.  He does not mess around when it comes to his food:)  We did not want to upset him, so we added the rest of the rice cereal into his "goodnight" bottle.  He ate it like a champ!  Marc and I were hoping that this might help him to sleep through the night, but he still woke up 3 different times.  I miss my little baby that loved to sleep 10 to 11 hours per night:(

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mason's 4 Month Doctor Visit

Mason went to the doctor today and had an excellent exam.  Mason now weighs 16 pounds 13 ounces and he is 25 inches long!  He is my BIG boy:)  I asked Dr. Curly a million questions and he was so patient with me answering everything I asked.  Dr. Curly suggested giving Mason rice cereal in the evenings and in the mornings.  We are hoping it helps him to sleep throughout the night.  He also said that Mason's gums are swollen, but can't tell if the top teeth are coming in yet.  We will just have to wait and see.  The doctor also explained that one reason Mason may not be rolling over yet is because he is a big guy and has a lot of weight to pull over.  LOL!  My little chunker!  Mason also needs to be on his tummy more often as well and that should help him to get all the way over.  Even if he hates it, we still have to try.  Within the last 2 days, Mason has now found a new love for his own feet.  He is constantly grabbing at them and tries to put them in his mouth.  It is the cutest thing to watch.  My little munchkin just wants to put everything in his mouth these days!  He was so much braver when it came to the shots today too.  He took them like a champ and barely cried for a second:)  My baby keeps growing up way too fast for his mommy!
My Gorgeous Babies

Waiting so patiently at the doctor's office

I did my tummy time and now I am over it!

I love grabbing my sister Penny!

Sleeping so soundly (during the day!)

So happy in my bouncy chair!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 4 Month Birthday!

Look at how swollen my cheeks are!  I hate teething:(

I love grabbing for my toys:)

Passed out after a night of partying with my buddy Nicholas!

Hi Mommy!

Jackson and I playing with our toys.

Beautiful Blue-eyed Babies!

Jackson is so over the bouncy chair.  Mason is happy with something to chew on:)

Nicholas and I playing in my room.

My little munchkin is 4 months old today!  He is growing up so fast.  Mason now has both of his bottom teeth and I am pretty sure that the top 2 are well on their way.  My little man that was sleeping 8-10 hours a night for 8 weeks, no longer does that anymore.  He wakes up 3 to 5 times per night crying out in pain:(  We have every kind of teething medication and toys to help him through this.  He also stopped soothing himself with his thumb and now takes the pacifier.  I think he has bitten down on his fingers too many times and it hurts.  Those teeth are sharp!   Marc and I are back to the way that we did things in the early days, when Mason sleeps, we sleep!  It is a lot harder because we are both working now.  I hope this phase ends soon.  I hate to see my little Mace suffer.  It breaks my heart when there is not much that I could do to help him:(  Mason continues to hate tummy time, but he is almost ready to roll over.  He moves around in his sleep and we have even found him facing a different direction than where we left him.  He constantly goes to his left side, but has not officially rolled over on his own yet.  I think this will happen soon.  Mason has also been grabbing for objects.  If we put a toy in front of him now, he reaches out and actually grabs the object as oppose to the air next to it.  LOL!  Mason is also babbling a lot more lately. I feel like he is really trying to have a conversation with me.  I love my little man more than anything!!!  He goes to the doctor on Monday for more shots and his 4 month check up.  Thank goodness Auntie Jaime is coming with me because I cry when he gets shots:(

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mason Trying to Talk to Mommy

Mason has been making the cutest noises lately!  He has so much personality for such a little guy:)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mason Playing with his Toy

Penny trying to get in on the action!

I want to kiss my toy:)

I didn't do it Ma!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Mason!!!

I can't believe that it was exactly one year ago when we found out that I was pregnant.  2011 was such an amazing year because we were so blessed to have Mason join our family.  Our New Year's Eve consisted of Marc, Mason, Penny, and I at home with pizza.  We celebrated the new year on New York time (10:00 PM) and then passed out.  LOL!   Our lives have changed for the better and I can't wait to see what 2012 brings! 

All ready for Sunday brunch!

I am digging the frogs!

I'm cool and I know it:)

Mason making the same face as his shirt!  LOL:)