Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Gorgeous Man

I had my 3D ultra sound today and got to see my gorgeous angel.  It is always exciting when I have an ultra sound, but this time he actually looked like a real baby.  I was a little nervous at first because these pictures have a tendency to look slightly freaky, but that thought left my mind the second I saw him.  I may be biased, but he is probably the cutest baby ever!  Mason has these adorable chubby cheeks and thick plump lips.  I am so in love with him already!  The doctor said that Mason has a little hair that she was able to see, so hopefully he will be taking after mom when it comes to the hair (sorry Marc:-).  Thank you so much Jaime and Brooklyn for being there with me to check out my beautiful baby.  Less than 12 weeks (hopefully) to go!

We've already taught him to cover his mouth when he yawns:-)

Sleeping Angel

I want to squeeze those cheeks already!

He's a thinker!


  1. YAY!!! SOOO cute and how exciting!!! He will be here before you know it!

  2. He is soooo adorable. How exciting for you!!!!!! Presley's future husband!
