Tuesday, February 22, 2011

11 Weeks and a Belly!

This is going to take some getting used to!
11 weeks today and my belly is popping out!  It could also have to do with all of the amazing sweets I ate this weekend:-)  I have gained 4 pounds so far, but man it feels like a hundred.  When you are only 5 foot 1 inch, 4 pounds is a lot.  I am just embracing my body changes and enjoying the more voluptuous figure I now have.  The next ultra sound is set for March 2.  I am really excited to see my little " Noname" again!  The doctor said that we can find out the sex at 18 weeks.  Any guesses on whether Noname is a boy or a girl?  
Saturday afternoon tea with my ladies:-)

A spot of tea anyone?

Good times and some good laughs!
On Saturday, Jaime, Brooklyn, Amelia, and I went out for high tea at a small little tea room in Glendale.  We had delicious tea, awesome food, and lots of laughs!  It is so much fun talking about babies and weddings (Brooklyn's is coming up in November:-).   I love you girls:-)


  1. I bet noname is a girl. Love your blog!

  2. Of course I want a healthy baby, but I hope Noname is a girl too:-)
