Sunday, June 4, 2017

Kindergarten Graduate

My sweet Mason has grown and matured immensely throughout his year in kindergarten.  He has excelled in math and reading and made some great friends along the way.  We are so proud of this little man and are super excited for what the future holds for him.

Mason and his buddy, Logan.  They are spending the summer together at camp.

The Three Musketeers 

Mason, Jacob, and Logan are best friends!  They love their "guy" time!

We love Mrs. Gildersleeve!  We are definitely going to miss her next year!

Part of the crew waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Not only did Noah have everyone tickle his back while we waited, but then he put on his own singing performance for the audience with his rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the ABCs.  He is definitely our little performer!

Last Day of Kindergarten

The twins came with me to drop Mason off at school and the aides let them join the kids on the playground.  They had the best time and can't wait to go to school with Mason.

I know the picture quality is not the best, but Mason was beyond excited that he was one of a few kids that got a reading award and medal.  He loves working on RAZ kids and according to his teacher, he had the highest score by far compared to the other kids in his class.

I love these boys together!  Jacob and Mason will be in the same first grade together.

He loved sitting in the "teacher" chair.

It has been 2 weeks, and he is still wearing this medal.  He is very proud of his accomplishment.

We love you forever Mason!

There were 10 of us there to cheer on Mason during the ceremony.

Mason loves his Auntie Jaime!

Mason got to choose where he wanted to go for his graduation lunch, and of course he chose Dave and Buster's!

Thank goodness the twins can still have fun at this place without paying for the games.  LOL!