Friday, May 26, 2017

Mother's Day Dinner

I am beyond blessed to have some amazing moms in my life.  These women are strong, loving, and some of the best women I know.  We decided to celebrate Mother's Day with a dinner honoring each other.  We decided that we need to have these types of celebrations more often.  I love these ladies!

Me and my aunt Monica

Good wine, delicious food, and amazing family time!

Love these sisters!

My people:)

We get it from our mommy!

Our server surprised us with this complimentary dessert platter.  Needless to say we devoured it!

Momma got this awesome gift basket at church for having the most great grandbabies (7 of them)!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Being a Mom

If you would have told me that I was going to be a mom when I was younger, I would have said you were crazy!  I was adamant that I did not want children.  In my twenties, my priorities all focused around me and my needs.  I needed sleep. I needed to travel. I needed to play poker. I needed to shop. I needed time with my friends.  I could go on forever.  In fact, it was one of the reasons Marc and I weren't going to get married.  He really wanted children and I wanted to be selfish.  I also think teaching 13 and 14 year olds may have been part of the reason for not wanting kids because I knew what they are like when they are teenagers.  People would always tell me that it is different when they are your own, but I was still hesitant.  Then one Sunday in December I went to church alone.  I am not really sure why I went to church that day or why I was alone, but nonetheless I was there when I saw "baby Jesus" in a depiction of why we celebrate Christmas.  This baby was adorable!  He was cooing and making the sweetest noises.  As cheesy as it sounds, it was at that moment that I realized I wanted my own little baby.  It was one year later in December when we found out we were pregnant with my little Mason.  The second I found out I was pregnant, my priorities quickly changed.  I still have my needs, but my three babies are my first need.

Being a mom has been the most rewarding and wonderful adventure I have ever experienced. There have been so many amazing ups and some serious downs throughout this adventure, but it is totally worth it.  My family is my first thought every morning and my last thought before I go to sleep.  My life is not always butterflies and roses and my children are not always the best behaved, but they are mine and I wouldn't change them for the world! Thank you boys for choosing me to be your mommy and to travel through the adventures of life.

Mason and I at his school breakfast celebrating moms.

My little chef cooking breakfast for me on Mother's Day.

My favorite little men!

Mason made me the sweetest Mother's Day gifts and I wanted to document them so I have them forever.  He was super excited about them and so was I.  These are my favorite kinds of presents! (All the boys also decorated a tea cup for me with their fingerprints thanks to Marc!

Mason made this book at school.  Some of the pages had me laughing so hard!

Clearly Mason and I should start dressing alike.

I love that he thinks I am only 8 years old!

Mason and I ride bikes together often.

Ha!  What about pizza and pasta?

I will always be remembered for my toast making skills!

This is daddy's job!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Desert Botanical Gardens

Last Sunday, we gathered our crew and headed to the Desert Botanical Gardens to check out the butterfly exhibit.  The weather was beyond perfect for us to walk around outside, but not the most ideal to see many butterflies.  Either way, we had fun getting some fresh air on probably the last cool day before summer hits.  The boys enjoyed the scavenger hunt and the prizes at the end.  Thanks Austin for being our tour guide and showing us around!

There was lots of bribing to get this decent picture of all three.

My little Noah Bear!  He is such a rascal.

Chocolate may have been promised for this one.

Austin and his girlfriend, Erin, really know how to spoil my boys.  Of course it is always a blast if Gaga is around.