Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Disneyland 2016: Day 3

The Olea family joined us on our third day.  We had a blast all together.  We were a big group, but were still able to get a lot done.  The kids had a great time hanging out with each other.  We signed up Nicholas and Mason for the Jedi training show, but it got canceled at the last minute.  The boys did get to practice with a real Jedi and take pictures.  We watched the Pixar parade, the adults went on all the fast and fun rides, the little ones went on the carousel more times then we could keep track of, we talked with Crush from Finding Nemo, and even met Elsa and Anna.  Lots of good times were had by everyone!

We climbed Tarzan's tree house numerous times!

Isabella's dream came true!  She was so excited.

In Mason's words, "Mom I am freaking out right now!"  He was so starstruck that he wouldn't even go up to Elsa and Anna for a hug.

Dylan was super shy, but Noah was ready to run away with these ladies.

One of the many carousel rides.

Disneyland 2016: Day 2

We woke up refreshed and ready for a full day at the Disney parks.  We started in Cars Land since that is everyone's favorite place to visit.  Mason loved the first part of Radiator Springs Racers, but hated the fast part.  But he loved the rapids ride (Grizzly Run) even though it had a huge drop.  I think he liked that his cousins got soaking wet!  His favorite ride was Soarin' Around the World.  He was able to name each country that we visited.  He went on that ride 3 times! That was one of my favorites as well.  If Noah was tall enough, he would have gone on every fast ride there was!  He is definitely my brave little guy.  Noah screamed, "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee" on all the rides.  Dylan was scared and really only liked a handful of rides.  He was happiest with the characters though. Day 2 was a perfect day!

My mommy is the best!

Selfie time!

Tower of Tower!  Agh!!!!

Mason may have cried a bit, but at least our car won the race!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Disneyland 2016: Day 1

Since we had such a fantastic trip last year, we decided to celebrate Mason's, Marc's, and my mom's birthdays in Disneyland again!  We had the same crew as last year (Jaime, Austin, Steven, Therese, and my mom), but we added the Olea family for 2 of the 4 days that we were in the parks.  Yes, we were a crew of 14 people navigated our way through the craziness of Disneyland.  We all had a great time!

We woke up super early on Saturday morning, packed up the cars and headed out to California.  We arrived at our hotel by 1:00PM, unpacked our bags, and headed straight to Disneyland.  The kids were awesome and really well behaved.  And they didn't even take a nap!  I was exhausted by 9:30PM that evening, but I think the kids could have lasted until midnight!  Thankfully we went home so we could have enough energy for our second day.

Disneyland Baby!

We do love taking selfies!

My sister had an adorable outfit for every day.  Man we need a little girl!  Now we can only hope for grandbaby girls!

These two are best friends!

Meeting Woody was definitely a highlight of the trip.

I have the best nephews ever!

We climbed Tarzan's Treehouse at least 5 times during our 4 day trip!

Just chillin in Radiator Springs!

Noah and Mason rode the tractor ride at least 10 times.  Dylan only twice before it was very clear that he hated this ride!

Dylan loves taking selfies too!