Wednesday, June 25, 2014

7 Months

My baby boys are 7 months old today. Where has the time gone?!?!? These boys are amazing and absolutely perfect. When I think back to my pregnancy and all of the things I was stressed about, I can't help but laugh. Raising twins and a toddler is definitely a challenge and not easy, but it is not nearly as hard as I imagined it would be. Noah and Dylan are such easy going, mild-tempered, happy babies! I am so grateful for my three wonderful kids. I hope they stay best friends forever!

Even though Noah and Dylan have very distinct, different personalities (Noah doesn't like to be around too many people and Dylan wants to be the center of attention), they are reaching milestones at a similar rate. Here are some of the things they are doing:

1. They have an obsession with their feet. Once they realized they have built-in toys, they never want to let go of them.  No matter if they are lying down or sitting, they want to grab on to their adorable chubby feet!

2. It seems as though they have just discovered their hands. They hold them in front of their face and stare at them in awe! It is the cutest thing to watch.

3. They are good eaters! So far they are eating peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, string beans, bananas, apples, pears, and prunes.  (Poor Noah needs the prunes) They also started on Puffs. Noah enjoys them and Dylan spits them out.

4. They are almost sitting up on their own. The problem is they find their feet (see #1) and bend over to get them in their mouths. That is when they fall over, yet they are still determined to eat those feet!

5. Noah is a dancer and Dylan is a mover! While Noah is on his belly, he rocks back and forth as if he is rocking out at a concert. While Dylan is on his back, he shakes his booty and lower part of his body. Hmm...I wonder if they got this from watching Mason and I at our nightly dance parties. (Mason can twerk like no other!)

Love these happy babies

My favorites!
Boys will be boys!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Random Pictures from this Week

Noah loves his furry sister!
Dylan ❤️ Penny
This little guy enjoys rolling around my bedroom floor while I get ready for work. This sweet face starts my day off perfectly!

Pee-paw celebrated his 80th birthday this week.
Mason made another cake:)
Noah enjoys drinking water from his sippy cup.
My happy little Dylan rocks himself in this chair.
Dylan's first girlfriend, Isabella!
Celebrating Pee-paw's birthday at Aunt Michelle's house.

Hanging out with Mickey and Jon!

Aunt Michelle's house is better than visiting the zoo. They have lots of desert tortoises, turtles, snakes, and other amphibians. Mason had a blast!
Mr. Big wants to play

Dani and Noah were so tired so they took a nap together:)

The boys love their blanket bears from Amelia!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day #3

When I married Marc, I knew he would be an excellent husband. He always supports me and loves me unconditionally. In my heart, I also knew that he would be a great father one day. Well this man has far exceeded my expectations! When I watch Marc with our children, I fall more in love with him by the second. These boys have the best role model and I hope they turn out just like their daddy! 
Mason loves his daddy so much!

Noah laughs the hardest for Daddy, and then gets the hiccups!
Dylan looks just like Daddy!

Happy Father's Day Poppa! You are an amazing man, grandpa, and great-grandpa! My children are blessed to have you as a role model and someone they can look up to. We love you!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Father's Day #2

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day with my father-in-law. We had a wonderful time hanging out at his house. Mason especially loves going to Pee-Paw's house and playing with his cool toys. We love you!

Happy Father's Day!

Aunt Therese, Noah, and Pee-Paw
We also celebrated Aunt Michelle's birthday! Mason baked and decorated the cake with me!

These pictures are from the night before when Mason and I baked together.

Mason ate more of the decorations then what he put on the cake:)

Father's Day Celebration

Our first of many celebrations this weekend was last night with my daddy. I love that he lives so close and can come over and snuggle babies whenever he wants! We love you Saba!

Super Dads

Happy Father's Day Daddy!