Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday! (a little late)

On November 25th my twinkies turned three years old. They are turning into such amazing little men and we are so blessed that they chose us for their family.

Noah continues to be my sour patch kid.  He is so sweet one second and then a mini dictator the next. He picks on Dylan and can make him cry very easily (he is more sensitive), but if someone else does something to Dylan, Noah will cut you (not really, but close enough).  According to the doctor at their three year check up, Noah is extremely advanced when it comes to his language skills and all of the things he has learned so far. The doctor said he has only seen two other kids throughout his career that are as bright as Noah at 3 years old. Noah is spelling names, recognizes all letters, counts by tens, and even knows some Spanish.  Dylan is exactly where he should be for his age.  He prefers to play then go through alphabet flash cards, but he does know how to spell his name, count backwards from ten, and copy everything that Noah does. Dylan also potty trained himself two months ago and prefers to take a shower than a bath. Noah is officially out of diapers as well, but he waited until a week before his birthday to start using the toilet.  (Side note: the twins were way easier to train than Mason!)

I love these little boys so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for them!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Halloween 2016

Lots of things have been going on with our family, which hasn't left me much time to post.  Here are our pictures from Halloween this year.  We were a super hero family, including Penny.

These guys LOVE their costumes this year.  They would wear them all day and night if we let them.

I didn't get pictures of the trick or treating crew, but we had Gaga, Auntie Jaime, Steven, Aunt Therese, Sebastian, Monica, Nicole, Scott, and Link (Jaime's dog).  Mason made it about 10 houses before he decided to help Marc hand out candy.  The twins would have walked to every house in the neighborhood if they had the time.

Austin and his girlfriend, Erin, went all out and looked fantastic!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Breakfast with Characters

Before we headed home, we stopped at the Paradise Pier Hotel for breakfast with Mickey and friends. This is a great way to prolong our vacation and give us one last dose of Disney before our 6 hour drive.  I know that I am bias, but I am pretty sure the characters loved my children more than any others in the restaurant. We had so much extra time with Mickey, Stitch, Pluto, Daisy, and Minnie. Stitch and Minnie were fighting over my boys.  Needless to say Minnie won! Minnie and Pluto even took my boys for a tour around the hotel.  The characters ignored other kids that came up to them. Mason, Noah, and Dylan loved all of the extra attention.  The boys are still talking about this vacation a  month later.  We had a fabulous trip!

My boys love to eat.

Mason was definitely wanting a break from taking pictures.  LOL!

My nephews are gorgeous!

Mickey waffles taste so much better than regular waffles.

Birthday cupcakes for the birthday crew.

Walking around the hotel with their best friends.

Disneyland 2016: Day 4

I know it has been a month since our Disney trip, but things have been crazy around here and I have not had the time to post pictures.  Two posts that will be coming soon are Baby Henry Mosseri arrived which makes me an auntie again and Mason started basketball a few weeks ago.

Our final day at Disney was a rainy one.  Our magic morning was spent finding shelter, but we did get to enjoy the Matterhorn before the rain came down hard.  Unfortunately, Nicholas and Mason were unable to do the Jedi training because of the weather.  They did give us "skip the line" passes for the best rides, so it all worked out.  All 14 of us got on one boat for the Storybook Land ride.  We were nervous that the boat was going to tip over!  The highlight was meeting Tinkerbell.  Mason has such a crush on her.  Overall, our Disneyland trip was such a success.  We had a great time!

Waiting for Disneyland to open.  Thousands of other people had the same plan as us.

The Queen never broke character.  She was one tough woman!

Pixie Hollow

This is Fawn, the animal fairy.  Noah's conversation with her is one I will never forget.
Fawn: Do you like animals?
Noah: I eat animals. (Fawn's face is shocked) They are in my belly!
We were all cracking up!  I expected him to mention animals at the zoo, not that he eats them!

Mason is so shy around Tinkerbell.

We rode this carousel so many times!

Noah was napping and Mason was on Soarin' Around the World, so Dylan got some one on one time with Pluto.

Dancing in the streets with DJ.

Everyone was excited to meet Spider-man!

Meeting Captain America and Spider-man were a perfect way to end our vacation!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Disneyland 2016: Day 3

The Olea family joined us on our third day.  We had a blast all together.  We were a big group, but were still able to get a lot done.  The kids had a great time hanging out with each other.  We signed up Nicholas and Mason for the Jedi training show, but it got canceled at the last minute.  The boys did get to practice with a real Jedi and take pictures.  We watched the Pixar parade, the adults went on all the fast and fun rides, the little ones went on the carousel more times then we could keep track of, we talked with Crush from Finding Nemo, and even met Elsa and Anna.  Lots of good times were had by everyone!

We climbed Tarzan's tree house numerous times!

Isabella's dream came true!  She was so excited.

In Mason's words, "Mom I am freaking out right now!"  He was so starstruck that he wouldn't even go up to Elsa and Anna for a hug.

Dylan was super shy, but Noah was ready to run away with these ladies.

One of the many carousel rides.