Saturday, May 31, 2014

6 Month Check Up

Noah and Dylan had their 6 month check up and both boys are healthy and perfect. Noah weighs 18 pounds (59th percentile) and is 26 1/4 inches tall (30th percentile). Dylan weighs 18 pounds 6 ounces (66th percentile) and 26 1/2 inches tall (41st percentile). These percentiles are compared to non-premie babies. The boys are right on schedule and doing great!  They did have to get shots at this visit and I think I have a harder time than the little ones. Noah screamed out and turned bright red, but stopped crying once I gave him the pacifier. Dylan did not even flinch for the first shot and cried for a second with the next shot. They were tough little dudes. Both little guys are officially in their nursery and almost sleeping through the night! (Pictures of the nursery will be coming soon.)

I adore that gorgeous face!!! Noah loved swimming in the pool. He had the best time.
I am obsessed with Dylan's sweet smile! Dylan hated swimming in the pool. He screamed and cried the entire 2 minutes that we had him in with us:(
Mason is doing great with swimming!
All 3 boys chillin in the pack 'n' play.
Mason eating dinner on his "new" table. This was Marc's from when he was a kid. Penny waiting patiently for something to fall.
I love that chunky little body! Noah has thighs that don't quit! Lol!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was filled with family, food, and lots of fun! We all had a great time.
Cousins hanging out at PeePaw's house.
Jon was awesome with the boys!

The boys love Dani!

I love Noah's face in this picture!

On Monday we had a pool party at our house and cousin Jackson was with us!
Swimming with Daddy!
The water was too cold for Dylan and Noah slept through pool time.

These boys had the best time together!!!
This picture was from Mother's Day weekend! They are the most gorgeous toddler boys and they love being naked!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

6 Months

Not only is this a day to celebrate the boys' 6 month birthday, but it is also a day to celebrate that Marc and I survived the first 6 months with twins! It can only get better from here, right? 

These boys are constantly changing and growing up a little too quickly for me. Here is a list of some of the things that they are doing:

1. Rolling everywhere! We can no longer leave these two lying on the floor alone. Noah even has a scooting on his belly technique to help him move around.

2. They are officially eating solid foods. As of now sweet potatoes and peas are the only foods they have had, and they enjoy them! They are also sitting in high chairs during feeding times now.

3.  They are laughing babies! These guys are so happy and have the sweetest belly giggles. They always get the hiccups from laughing, just like Mason. 

4.  They recognize their own names. Both boys react with a huge smile when we call their names. 

5.  They adore their furry sister. These two can stare in awe at Penny. They don't torture her the way Mason does, but they always want her attention. 

6.  They are also obsessed with Mason, and vice versa. I hope they have this loving relationship forever!

7.  They are teething. Their hands are constantly in their mouths, drool is pouring from their lips, and they are quite cranky in the middle of the night. I hope their teeth come through soon!

8.  They reach out and grab all kinds of objects. Dylan even reaches out to me when he wants me to pick him up. Most objects also end up in their mouths.

9.  They love bath time. No matter if they are tired, cranky, or hungry, once their bodies are immersed in water, they instantly calm down and relax. The water helps them forget their problems.

10.  They bring joy to everyone that they meet! These babies are a blessing and I can't imagine my life without them, no matter how hard it can be at times. They complete our family and I fall more in love with them every second!

Dylan's first reaction to peas. Lol!
Then he wanted more!
Noah instantly liked them.
Give me more!!!

Holding hands!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Graduation Day

I became an aunt at the age of 16 to the sweetest, cutest little nephew. Austin brought so much joy and happiness to our family. He was such a well behaved, caring child and has turned into an amazing, loving, hilarious (he cracks us up!) man. We are so proud of Austin and are super excited for what the future holds for him. Enjoy these next years at college! We love you so much!!!

He is so handsome!!!!
ASU in the fall! 
I adore these boys with all my heart!!!
Ha ha! Check out my mom jeans and the red hair! What was I thinking?!?
I love the grunge look! 
Austin is the best big cousin! He is always taking care of my boys. 
Mason loves Brooke, Austin's girlfriend, and she is so great with all my kids!
Monica and Noah Bear
Graduation Dinner
Momma ❤️ Dylan
Jaime ❤️ Dylan
Let's go take a selfie!
Congratulations Austin! We ❤️ you!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sweet Potato Success

Dylan enjoyed his first taste of real food!

Noah loved it too!!!

My little guys are officially 25 weeks and growing up way too fast for me! The last 6 months have flown by. Today was the first time they had "real" food besides rice cereal. These munchkins were very satisfied with their dinner of sweet potatoes this evening. They both cried for more after I scraped every last bit from the bowl.  I hope that they love all food the way Mason did as a baby. 

I can't imagine my life without these two!