Thursday, November 28, 2013

So Much to be Thankful For

I am thankful for my beautiful family. I am so blessed for my amazing husband and 3 gorgeous, healthy sons! My little Mason is already calling the babies his best friends!
I am thankful for my wonderful family. Thank you for looking after Mason and Penny and being here for me when I needed you most!
I am thankful for having the best friends and support team to help me through this. I appreciate the gifts, phone calls, breaking me out of my hospital room, love, encouragement, allowing me to cry, and so much more. I would not have survived this without any of you! 
I am thankful for my nurses and the NICU nurses. They are an amazing, caring, compassionate group of people. One of my nurses bought these for my boys! I am overwhelmed by their love for someone they have only known for a few days. This is truly a wonderful profession!
I am thankful for Thanksgiving dinner! My family will be visiting me in the hospital with my delicious food! I am thankful that I get to enjoy my favorite meal and not have to cook or clean up:) 
I am thankful for giving Dylan his first bath! He loved it when we poured the water over his head. He was very relaxed during bath time, but was not a big fan of coming out of the water.
I am extremely thankful for my precious twins. They are definitely a gift from god! 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

48 Hours

My boys have been here for 48 hours and they are truly blessings from God. I am so in love with these little angels! Here is the latest:

Noah had a rough morning and decided to have a few more apnic episodes. The roughest was at 7:30 am where he went 20 seconds without breathing and turned blue. There must be something about the early morning. His doctor assured me that this is a normal occurrence and I should not worry. Noah did do wonderfully the rest of the day. He is eating more now and hopefully putting on some weight. Both boys will be weighed in the middle of the night.

Dylan has made progress every time I enter his room. All day he has been bottle feeding and eating more than his brother! He got this eating thing down. Hopefully his feeding tube will be removed tonight! In the afternoon, he decided to ween himself from the oxygen and ripped it off his face. The nurse decided to see how he does without it, and he no longer needs the oxygen. He did leave a nice bruise on himself after ripping the tape off his face. Apparently he wanted us to finally see his gorgeous face minus some tubes. 

Both boys are adorable and all of the nurses are in love with them! 

Bottle feeding Dylan for the first time!
Noah is a good sleeper, just like Mason!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Noah and Dylan Update

So there has been a little bit of drama in the last 24 hours. Noah must have missed his brother and decided to join him in the NICU. Super early this morning, Noah stopped breathing for about 6 seconds. He turned a little blue, but bounced back quickly. The nurses admitted him to the NICU. He did have another episode a few hours later. The pediatrician explained that he needs to be monitored for 5 days before he could go home. All day he has been eating like a champ and there haven't been any other episodes. 

Dylan has made amazing progress. He is now in the same crib as his brother. He is still receiving oxygen, but the dosage is a lot less than what it was. He even ate 3 milliliters from a bottle and held it down! The feeding tube continues to be the best way to feed him, but he is progressing:) I can also hold Dylan now. The hardest thing was not being able to touch him for so long and now I can have him in my arms! He will probably get to go home in a little over a week, hopefully!

Dylan and Daddy
I was a little emotional because I was finally able to hold Dylan 36 hours after he was born! And then the nurse gave me Noah. Such a good day:)
Dylan is so precious!
My little snuggle bunny Noah!

They're Here!!!!!

Noah Grayson Boileau 
November 25, 2013
4 Pounds 13 Ounces
18 Inches
2:00 AM
Noah is a sweet, relaxed little guy. He did not cry when the nurses pricked and prodded at him. He even enjoyed his first bath!

Dylan Ray Boileau
November 25, 2013
5 Pounds 7 Ounces
20 Inches
2:03 AM

Dylan is just as sweet and amazing! He was taken to the NICU shortly after birth. He has fluid in his lungs and rapid breathing. He has made great progress in 24 hours. I can't wait to hold him and smother him with kisses! 

Marc and I before surgery:) My water broke (and it was just like it is in the movies!) and we headed to Scottsdale Shea Hospital on Sunday at midnight.

Mason loves his younger brothers!!!
I was allowed to hold Dylan's hand!

Mason, Noah and I lounging in bed watching a movie.

Friday, November 22, 2013

34 Weeks 5 Days

The twins are popping out in the office!
Baby A (the little guy on the bottom) He is moving around in my belly all the time. One day he is breach and the next visit he is turned around and trying to get out. The ultrasound tech said that she has never seen a twin do this:) 
Baby B (the little guy squished lying across my ribs) On Monday we were finally able to get a quick glimpse of his gorgeous face. 

So I am still pregnant and we are down to a little over 3 weeks before the scheduled c-section. Things are starting to get real! I am so appreciative for my supportive husband.  Thanks to his amazing nightly massages, I am getting some rest at night.  At this stage in the pregnancy, I am physically ready for these boys. It has definitely gotten more difficult. I try to keep a positive attitude, but it is hard sometimes because these boys are kicking my butt (sometimes literally:).  

I haven't had many cravings throughout this pregnancy. Mainly because I can't eat much because these babies have taken over my stomach and there is not much room for anything else. I just want to indulge and enjoy all kinds of foods, but I can't. I did happen to gain 37 pounds so far! 10 pounds (or more now) are babies. At least I can always count on enjoying a bagel and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. If it were healthy, I would eat that for every meal of every day.  

At the last 2 doctor visits, the boys were extremely healthy and perfect. Their heart rates were excellent, they scored 8 out of 8 on their tests, and my cervix is still closed. I really hope I make it to December 16! 

Highlights of Mason From This Week
Hanging out with Bella and Nicholas in one of the baby's cribs. 

Spending quality time with his future wife!

My little OCD son has to line up all of his cars and trucks! He enjoys organizing while he plays:)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Grilling with Daddy

My boys cooking a delicious grilled chicken dinner
Mason is very serious when it comes to grilling on the barbecue
He loves to copy Daddy!
Time to eat!

Monday, November 11, 2013

33 Weeks

Since last week, I now go to the doctor twice a week. This is a normal procedure for twins. My first appointment is an NST, where they hook me up to a machine to monitor the babies heart rates and contractions. Contractions are a regular occurrence these days and totally normal with twins. They also check to see if I have dilated at all as well. So far, even with all of the contractions, my cervix is staying tightly closed. The second appointment is an ultra sound. These are my favorite appointments! I can stare at these little boys all day long. At my last visit, my boys had very healthy heartbeats and scored 100% on their measurement tests. We were even able to watch both boys breathe. They are already overachievers!!! We couldn't get any good pictures because they were squished inside my belly:( But we were able to find out that both boys already weigh in at 5 pounds!!!! I have 10 pounds of babies in my belly!!!!! I could potentially deliver two 8 pound babies. Oh my poor body:( Thank goodness for the c-section!

Today I had another NST. Their heartbeats were perfect and my contractions, even though uncomfortable, were still normal. I was concerned after this weekend because I was convinced I was having these boys Friday night. I had constant nausea and contractions all evening! After checking me today though, my cervix was sealed shut. My doctor also informed me that full term for twins is 36 weeks and rarely does she have a mom go to the scheduled date. I explained to her that I have way too much going on and these babies have to wait until the scheduled date of December 16. She laughed at me and said that I better get ready! OMG!!! We still don't have names or a completed nursery!!! On a positive note, we did find out this weekend that I can fit 3 car seats in my car. It took us along enough to find out about that! No more procrastinating! Whether we are ready or not, these gorgeous cuties are going to be here soon!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thing 1 and Thing 2

I would like to thank my amazing friends and sister for an awesome twin shower! I really am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. The theme of the shower was Thing 1 and Thing 2 and it couldn't have been more perfect. I adored all of the little details. I was extremely appreciative of all of the fabulous women that spent this special day with me. My favorite part was when Mason and Marc showed up and Mason handed me a bouquet of roses that he picked out. This was a fabulous party and I couldn't be happier. Now it is time to prepare for these boys. We should probably start with picking names!!!

Thank you Brooklyn for the perfect party and adorable outfits!
Thank you Amelia for the awesome party favors! The twins love Swedish fish:)
Thank you Jaime for all of your help to make this party awesome!
Cutest Cupcakes Ever!
I miss you every day! Come home!
I love my sissy!
Thank you my sweet friend Rosanna! Not only did you help with this party, but then you came back to my house and helped me, along with my family, get things together for the babies! I ❤ you!
I love my in-laws!

Andrea and Jackson
I love Nini!
My beautiful, tan sister!
My true loves!
Mason is going to be the best big brother!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

I was super excited about Halloween this year. Mason, on the other hand, did not share that same excitement with me. From the second he got home from daycare, he was cranky and throwing tantrums. What happened to my even-tempered, sweet 2 year old??? Too much sugar is what I think:) Mason and Penny had matching Cookie Monster costumes and I was supposed to get the cutest pictures. Well he hated  that costume the second he saw it and refused to walk or move once we had it on him. Not to mention the uncontrollable crying! Needless to say he was acting like a monster so that costume came right off. Thank goodness for last year's shark outfit because that was acceptable to him. Penny got depressed with her costume too, but once she knew she was going for a walk, she was happy again:) Nicole, Sebastian, and Auntie Jaime joined us as we set out to go trick-or-treating. Mason was happy for a bit because he realized he gets candy for saying, "trick or treat". This was also a great opportunity for Marc and I to meet our neighbors. Everyone was super nice! The couple next door has a set of twin boys!!! Too perfect! She offered some great advice. We love our new neighborhood!! I hope Mason has a better attitude next year on Halloween:)

Mason was happy with his pumpkin filled with candy!
That was actually a smile from the little guy
Princess Lea and her little Yoda

My depressed puppy:(
Mason no longer wanting to walk and threw a fit in the street with Auntie. Way to make a good impression with the new neighbors Mace!
He loved trying on Auntie's boots.