Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mommy's Little Performer

Mason's bedtime routine consists of bath, massage, brushing of his teeth, Octonauts, story time, and then he goes to sleep.  Octonauts is one of Mason's favorite shows.  Marc and I love it to because you learn all about sea animals.  The best part is when they sing the Creature Report song and then they have the "dance break" part at the end.  My little guy LOVES this song and dances around.  Anyone who is at the house during this time must join in on the dancing and Mason will scream your name until you start shaking it.  He is so darn cute!!!! 

Mason not only dances, but he is my little singer as well.  He will use anything as a microphone.  He loves to cheer for himself when he is finished.  Mason loves being the center of attention!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This is Happening!!!

These are the tops of their heads:)
Twins!!!!!!!  Marc and I found out we were pregnant at the end of April. We were happy and excited to give Mason a sibling. You could imagine our shock when 3 weeks later we found out that I was pregnant with twins. The ultra sound technician kept reminding me to breathe.  LOL! This pregnancy had been very different from Mason, so I just thought maybe I was having a girl:)  Between sobbing and tears, my first instinct was to yell at Marc.  Obviously this came from his side because my family does not have twins.  Come to find out that he doesn't have twins either and technically it was my fault because I ovulated 2 eggs that month.  These little nuggets are fraternal twins each growing in separate sacs. The doctors say this is the healthiest kind.  There is a 1.7% chance of this happening naturally, so needless to say I went out and bought lottery tickets that day. Unfortunately we weren't that lucky:)  I have had a whirlwind of emotions, but ultimately I just want happy, healthy babies!

At this point in the pregnancy, I am 12 weeks and 3 days along.  The babies are measuring on schedule and both had the same heartbeat today of 158 beats per minute.  Since twins are considered a high risk pregnancy, we have to see a perinatal specialist as well as my regular doctor.  All that means is that my babies will get extra care and I get to see them on the big screen more often!  Twin A is measuring at 5.92 centimeters and Twin B is measuring at 6.93 centimeters.  Needless to say, I am going to be HUGE!!!!!!  All along I have been feeling like there are 2 boys in my belly, even though everyone was secretly wishing for at least 1 girl.  After the ultra sound today, the technician was 70% sure that we are having 2 boys!  Nothing was officially confirmed, but I even saw the boy parts pretty clear.  I guess I am just supposed to be the queen of the house surrounded by boys!  Thank goodness for Penny!!!!  Besides exhaustion and being nauseous (it's all part of being pregnant) I am feeling okay.  Now it is time to start the research of how in the heck we are going to prepare for twin infants and a 2 year old!  Here we go again (and again:)! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the amazing dads in my life! Mason is especially fortunate to have Marc as his daddy. I couldn't have asked for better man to be the father of my child! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Happy 4th Anniversary!

4 years ago today I married the kindest, most loving, and giving man.  He has proven to be an exceptional partner and an amazing father! I remember the day like it was yesterday. Waking up in paradise was just the start of the day. Playing beach volleyball and swimming in the ocean with 25 of our closest family and friends was a perfect way to spend the morning. Then off to the salon for hair and makeup. Standing at the edge of our beach aisle and staring at the handsome man who was about to become my husband made me feel relaxed and excited for our future. I have never been more sure about anything in my life until that moment. I look forward to the day when we go back to Playa Del Carmen and relive that time in our lives again! I love you Marc forever and always!!!! XOXO