Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mason is 7 Weeks!

Look at that BEAUTIFUL smile!!!

I love squeezing those cheeks!!

My two favorite boys!

My sweet angel!

My little man is 7 weeks old!  For the past 4 nights, Mason has been sleeping 6-7 hours.  This is AMAZING!!!  I am hoping that he sleeps at least 8 hours by the time I have to go back to work.  Mason really enjoys his morning walks with mommy, Penny, and Aunt Therese (even though he sleeps the whole time:).  I am so glad that the weather is finally getting cooler.  He has been cooing and making all kinds of sweet noises when he is awake.  I can just stare at him all day!  Mason loves listening to music now.  The other night he was acting fussy, so I put on some Bon Jovi lullaby renditions and he loved it!  He remained quiet and content for a long time.  I knew he would be a Jersey boy:-)  I am having so much fun with him and I enjoy each day! 

Mason and Jackson Hanging Out on October 8

They are the cutest baby boys EVER!!!  I am so excited that Mason and Jackson are growing up together.    

Friday, October 21, 2011

6 Weeks Old!

My Gorgeous Baby!!!

Mason changes so much from each week!  This week he is starting to smile (check out the video) and staying awake longer during the day.  He loves to sit on my lap and look around.  He is so alert now and focuses on everything.  I love him more and more each day!!!!  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mason at 5 Weeks (a little late)

Look what I can do!

Playing with his toys in his crib.

Check out my sandals!

Hanging out in his favorite place!

Bath Time!

He is officially too big for the sink now!  Next time he will get a bath in his own tub:-)

Mason is 5 weeks old and I can't believe how much he changes from each week!  He is so alert now.  He loves his mobile and some toys.  Mason has even smiled for us a few times, but of course never when I have the camera!  His favorite time is chilling on his changing table and looking around his room.  We all gather around him and stare.  LOL!  It is really funny when we have a lot of people over and we are crowded in his room:)  Mason has also been sleeping in his crib for almost 2 weeks now.  I am glad that it was a very easy transition for him.  I have the monitor right next to me when I sleep.  I am getting better at not running into his room every time he makes a funky noise.  LOL!  Last Thursday, my mom spent the night to give Marc and I some rest.  It was awesome!!  I slept 8 hours straight.  I haven't done that in months, not even when I was pregnant!  That was the first night that Mason slept in four hour stretches.  I was so proud of him!!!!  Since then, he has been sleeping 4-5 hours straight through.  I finally feel like I am getting some rest at night, even with all of the animal noises he makes in his sleep:)  My little angel is growing up so fast!  I can't believe I have to go back to work in 3 weeks:(   

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Exciting Week:-)

Mason and Penny passed out with mom!

Penny went to the spa!  Check out her red nails!  LOL!

Auntie Jaime with her 2 nephews

My brother changing Jackson's diaper!  Everyone was surrounding him in case he needed help.  LOL!

Mason trying to talk to Poppa!  It was so adorable!

Hanging out at Steven's football game!

Jackson is so tiny and cute!  Austin was getting hungry:-)

Only 4 days apart:-)  Mason will always protect his cousin!
I was surrounded by Cardinals fans and they were not happy with me:-)

Mason turned 1 month old on October 7!  This was a very exciting week:-)  Last Sunday, Marc and I went to the Giants game and Mason spent the afternoon with Grandma, Aunt Monica, and Cousin Nini.  He had a blast and they spoiled him.  It was the longest 4 hours for me, but my mom sent me pictures of my little man the entire time.  On Tuesday, Mason went shopping with me and he was the best boy ever.  Since the weather was getting nice, we went for a walk around the Scottsdale Quarter.  It was his first time in the stroller and my first time figuring out how to use it.  I can't wait for more outings now that it is not so hot!  On Thursday, I took Mason to the doctor because I was concerned that he might have a cold.  (I know I was being a paranoid new mom:)  I was glad we went because the doctor gave me some tips to help with his congestion, but overall Mason was extremely healthy!  He gained another pound!  He now weighs 10 pounds and 6 ounces:)  He is fitting into the clothes that were way too big for him 2 weeks ago.  The doctor is no longer concerned about Mason not gaining weight.  LOL!  

On Friday, David, Andrea, and Baby Jackson came up from Tucson to hang out for the weekend.  We had everyone, about 15 of us, over at our house Friday night for Momma's spaghetti and chicken parmesan.  It was really great hanging out with everyone and seeing Jackson.  He is now 5 pounds 10 ounces.  Both of our boys are growing so fast!  On Saturday, we took the boys to the mall and then we went and cheered on Steven at his football game.  It was a lot of fun having all of the cousins together:-)  We had a great weekend!   

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mason and Jackson

Breastfeeding one and holding the other. LOL!

Baby Jackson

Grandma with her boys!

Andrea and I holding our beautiful babies!

My sister-in-law, Andrea, went into labor two days after I had Mason.  It was very scary because she was only 34 weeks pregnant.  The doctors were able to prolong the process for 2 days to help baby Jackson's lungs mature.  On September 11, my gorgeous little nephew was born weighing in at 3 pounds 12 ounces!  From that first night, Jackson was able to breathe on his own.  He had to stay in the NICU for 2 1/2 weeks.  This little guy made so much amazing progress, that my brother and Andrea were able to take him home sooner than what the doctors expected.  He is a miracle baby for sure!!!  This weekend, Mason, grandma, and I went down to Tucson and hung out together.  Mason looked like Jackson's body guard!  I am so happy that the boys will grow up together!