Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Belly in the Nursery

OMG!  I am still carrying very high.

I love the turtle reef theme!

Penny loves hanging out in her brother's room!

As I look at my belly, I can't help but wonder, "HOW BIG IS MASON GOING TO BE!!!???"  OMG!!  I feel like he is already taking over my body and I still have 6 1/2 weeks to go!  I am definitely experiencing some serious insomnia throughout this 3rd trimester.  I wake up around 3 AM and usually can't fall back asleep until the morning.  I am trying to be productive during this time because this is when I have my most energy.  It doesn't make sense to me, but my cabinets are organized and my lesson plans are prepared for when school starts.  LOL!  I am finally experiencing the nesting period:-)  Mason is extremely active lately as well.  It must be from all the cold water I am drinking.  Marc and I completed our last Birth Basics class.  Today was my favorite session because we learned breathing techniques that I could use to help me cope with labor.  Marc also learned specific massages that he will practice on me throughout the labor (and weeks before:-) to help me through the contractions.  My doctor explained that she doesn't want me going to the hospital until my contractions are 5 minutes apart for 2 hours (or until I can't handle it anymore).  Those massages will definitely come in handy while we are at home waiting to go to the hospital!

The nursery is coming along thanks to our wonderful friends Chris and Rosanna.  They came over this weekend and helped paint, put the the furniture together, wash clothes, and organize all of our baby stuff.  We are so grateful to have such amazing friends in our lives!  We can't thank you both enough for all that you have done for us:-)  We love you and can't wait for Nicholas and Mason to hang out!  I am still waiting for the rest of the decorations to arrive so that I could finish the room, but at least the majority of it is coming together.  I will definitely post pictures when the room is 100% ready.

Friday, July 22, 2011

33 Week Appointment/ "BABYMOON" with my Girls

Today I went to see my doctor and everything went very well.  Mason was jumping around in my belly which made it a struggle to read his heartbeat because he did not want to sit still.  (I think Marc and I are going to have our hands full with this little guy:-)  The nurse finally got a reading of 147 beats per minute.  The doctor was pleased with my 2 pound weight gain.  I explained that I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions and how they are quite uncomfortable and even painful at times.  She did not seem concerned, but explained that I need to drink more water.  I drink tons of water regularly, but with this heat, I have to make sure I drink even more.  I already go to the bathroom every ten seconds, sometimes literally, but I need to make sure I stay hydrated during this summer heat.  If Mason would have come when we originally planned, I would not be so pregnant in the middle of summer!  Apparently he had other plans and was hoping to be born on his daddy's birthday (September 5) instead:-)  The next appointment is in 2 weeks and that is when the not so fun exams begin.  I just can't believe how close I am to meeting my handsome prince!!!

Brooke, Amelia, and I in La Jolla.  Mason got the cutest baby seal shirt:-)

Mason loves the beach already, just like his mama!

Brooklyn, Amelia, and I took a roadtrip to San Diego last weekend.  We had a really great time!  We ate delicious food, hung out on the beach, and did some shopping.  It was exactly what we all needed to relieve some stress and just relax.  Thanks girls for a fabulous trip and I look forward to many more with our families as well!  XOXOXO

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

32 Weeks

Hello Mason!
I am at 32 weeks today and feeling really good!  Mason now weighs about 4 pounds and is approximately 17-19 inches long.  He is definitely taking up a lot of space in my belly.  The shortness of breath has been occurring more frequently and my doctor said that will get better when he drops into the birthing position.  Then I will have other pains in the nether regions.  There are so many things to look forward to!  LOL!  I am still working out at the gym and swimming laps in the pool when I can't take the heat.  I really hope that all of this exercise makes the labor part go very smoothly.  Mason now has toenails and fingernails.  His skin is smooth and soft since it is more plump now.  He is even sucking his thumb! 

Marc and I had our second birthing class tonight and I feel a little less anxious after this class.  The class discussed what to expect after the birth, c-sections, and what happens to the baby after he is born.  The nurse focused on epidurals for a good portion of the class as well.  I was relieved to find out that they can give you an epidural at any point of the labor process.  I always thought that you only had a window of opportunity, and if you missed it, then you are dealing with the pain.  My plan is to go to the hospital and decide on my own if/when I will get one.  I would still like to do this natural, but I have no idea what to expect.  I am also glad that I don't have to make any decisions until I feel that I am ready.  We watched another video in class and it showed the process of receiving an epidural.  It didn't scare me as much as I thought it would have.  I will just have to wait and see:-)  I am looking forward to next week because we will focus on breathing and massages!  Marc will get to massage my back during the class.  I can't wait!  

My next doctor's appointment is Friday, so I will keep you posted.  The nursery is coming along great too!  The carpet will be installed on Friday and the furniture will be put together as well.  I plan on having it all decorated and finished by next Friday.  I will definitely post pictures as soon as the room is ready:-)      

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

31 Weeks

No dropping as of yet!  He is sitting up in my rib cage:-)

I went to the doctor last Friday and I am still measuring about a week ahead.  After reading about that 16 pound baby that was recently delivered, I started freaking out!  But my doctor said everything looks fine.  She was concerned because Thursday night I started having severe abdominal and back pain, but that only lasted an hour.  I thought it may have been Braxton Hicks contractions, but supposedly those aren't painful.  I tried putting my feet up, drinking tons of water, walking around, but nothing seemed to help.  Finally, the pain went away.  My doctor explained that if this happens again, I better call her.  I guess I pushed myself to hard that day and I may have been slightly dehydrated.  Even though I already drink tons of water, I think I need to drink even more just to get through this heat.  I won't let that happen again for sure!  Marc and I started a Birth Basics class tonight.  The teacher/nurse is awesome and we learned a lot, but I left the class feeling tons of anxiety.  It probably did not help that she showed us a birthing video at the end of the class.  She also did not sugar coat anything and told us exactly what to expect during the labor process.  Even though I was with my sister when she had my nephew, it is a lot different knowing that I am going to go through it in the new 2 months.  Marc seems to have enough confidence in me that I will get through this and be fine.  Women have been doing this for years, so I am pretty sure that I will survive (as long as Mason stays under 8 pounds:-)!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baby Shower

I love the diaper cake:-)

Thanks Jaime!

I love you Momma!

My wonderful in-laws!!!

I love you Mommy!

My Girls


Thanks for everything Rosanna!
Some of the cute little outfits that everyone decorated!

Dressing creepy babies blindfolded!  I need more practice:-)

The boys stopped by at the end of the shower and passed out after eating!  This picture cracks me up!!!

I have such wonderful family and friends!  Thank you so much to everyone who helped out to throw an amazing, beautiful baby shower for me.  Momma was an awesome hostess and Mason, Marc, and I are so blessed to have you all in our lives!  Jaime, my mom, and momma made delicious food and I can't wait to eat leftovers:-)  Rosanna planned the funniest and most entertaining games.  Naturally the poop diapers were my favorite.  LOL!  It is probably a good thing that I am having a boy due to my immature humor.  The pictures are priceless!  I loved the idea that everyone at the party decorated a onesie for Mason.  Thank you Brooklyn and Amelia for organizing that.  Mason is going to look hot in all of his homemade outfits:-)  Thanks to Brooklyn, I had amazing hair!  I loved the surprise of getting my hair done in the morning to help me prepare for the special day!  Jaime organized a perfect party and I am so happy!  I love everyone so much!  We have less than 9 weeks until my little man arrives and I am starting to feel a little more prepared and definitely excited!